Always United. Always Giving.
Always United is a Greater Mankato Area United Way program for older adults.
It aims to help keep retirees and community members connected to our mission of improving lives in the four-county area.
This is an opportunity for individuals to support essential programs, volunteer, and stay engaged with community efforts and needs.
Upcoming Events
February: 02/10/2025 Always United Committee Meeting, United Way Office @ 2:00 PM. You are welcome to join us.
March: TBD
April: TBD
If you or your organization would like to host a Lunch & Learn, please connect with us today.
Jill can be reached at 507-345-4551, or jillc@mankatounitedway.org
Interested in helping with the Always United program planning? Contact us!
The number of people aged 65+ in the Minnesota workforce has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. As the workforce number grows, so does the retirement rate. Each year, many individuals who retire lose their direct connection to Greater Mankato Area United Way through their workplace giving campaigns, corporate volunteering and other involvement opportunities. We want to keep pre-retirees and retirees engaged with our programs and give them the opportunity to continue their support!
Our annual campaign supports essential programs serving more than 51,000 people in Blue Earth, Le Sueur, Nicollet and Waseca counties. Programs are vetted annually by 90+ community members so you know your dollars are being used wisely and making the biggest impact. In addition, United Way's mission focuses on convening the community around important issues to address needs and find solutions. Recent initiatives include youth development, literacy, sex trafficking prevention, suicide prevention, substance abuse advocacy and senior isolation.
Learn more about the campaign here.
Ways to Donate:
Call our office at 507-345-4551.
Send check to: Greater Mankato Area United Way 127 S. 2nd St #190 Mankato, MN 56001
Did you know that the retiree population comprises more than 30 percent of the entire US adult population yet accounts for 45 percent of the total hours volunteered? Together, we are building a better tomorrow in our region!
We have many volunteer and engagement opportunities throughout the year. From office help and Books for Kids packaging to community impact teams and networking leads, we welcome your interests and talents to continue improving our community.
Contact our office at 507-345-4551 or email Volunteer@mankatounitedway.org.
Click below to learn more about volunteering.
Greater Mankato Area United Way’s Planned Gift Fund was established in 2020 to keep our organization sustainable for generations to come. Planned giving is a perennial gift, separate from annual campaign gifts that fund our partner agencies year-to-year. Depending on your giving goals, you may consider giving through appreciated securities, bequests in a will or trust, insurance and many other avenues.
To learn more, contact Barb Kaus at 507-345-4551 or visit our Planned Gift page.